Friday, April 8, 2016

Charlotte and the Quiet Place


Deborah Sosin, author of Charlotte and the Quiet Place, was at the American Library Association Midwinter Meetings & Exhibits in Boston last January. Porter Square Books, her publishing company, gave me a copy of the book and Deborah signed it (pictured below).

This week I read the book to most kindergarten, first, and second grade students. Students learned that even though most places in Charlotte’s world is noisy, she was able to learn how to find her quiet place amongst the noise by breathing deeply and slowly while thinking about her quiet place.

We meditated for five minutes. Students were really quiet. After meditating, some students reflected that they were able to relax and think about a peaceful place. Other students had a difficult time keeping their eyes closed and staying silent. Most students agreed that with practice, they can improve.

Kindergarten students meditating. 
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Wednesday, April 6, 2016

MCBA 2016 Winners Announced!

This post was originally published here by Rose A. Magliozzi on April 5, 2016. 

And the Winners are.....

MCBA 2016 Winner

                                                            The One and Only Ivan
Katherine Applegate 

2016 MCBA Honor Books
(in random order)


Dragonet Prophecy: Wings of Fire by Tui T. Sutherland 

The School of Good and Evil by Soman Chainani


Click below for a pdf form of the MCBA 2016 Winner and Honor Books

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